Welcome 2023 Hello and welcome to my blog! I also welcome this new year, 2023, and the changes it will bring. I have decided to get back to blogging, this is something I did way back in 2013 and fo...
For One Game a Month, I just saw that I am on the top 100! At this day, with 4219 participants, that feels good! If you want to check, you have to scroll a lot to the end of the list, but still pr...
For February’s game submission for onegameamonth.com I tried HTML programing for games with canvas and JavaScript, the code is here: https://github.com/godelcio/Jumper It’s a Doodle Jump alike. ...
My first game ever is here! My dear son Daniel is one of my inspirations for this game. Based on the classic Brickout, this game was created using Java following this tutorial by Jan Bodnar. Thi...
A new version of content is available.